Be Willing to Experiment with Office Furniture Styles

Have you put any thought into which furniture styles you are using for your office? Though this seems like a trivial matter, having the right office decor may contribute to your employees’ productivity and attitudes. Multiple studies have shown that aesthetically-pleasing workplaces affect factors such as employee productivity and stress levels. Furthermore, research has shown that aesthetically-pleasing workplaces are highly valued among employees when choosing companies to work for. If you want to contribute to employee productivity, retention, and recruitment, you should be willing to experiment with new furniture styles for the office.
Many pieces of office furniture are drab and utilitarian. However, there are rooms that can benefit from bolder and more visually appealing furniture styles. For example, your office’s break room and reception room are not “work areas” in a traditional sense. Since there won’t be many desks and computers scattered throughout these spaces, you are free to try adding more adventurous furniture styles to them.
For example, you might try adding rattan furniture from a retailer such as Wicker Paradise for a more elegant and relaxing vibe. Rattan’s attractive caned design fits tropical, continental, and other unconventional aesthetics for your office. You might also add paintings and other decorations throughout your office for a more welcoming, artistic atmosphere.
The decor in your office’s reception room is also important because it contributes to visitors’ first impressions of your company. If you have scheduled meetings with business partners or in-person interviews with job candidates, you should present the best possible image. Since you don’t want visitors to think your office is a dull, boring place to work, you should create a stimulating, exciting environment for all who come through your doors. Don’t be afraid to unleash your inner interior designer to make your office a more vibrant, welcoming place.